Locations: Los Angeles | Torrance | Newport Beach | San Juan Capistrano

Vision and Learning
Learning new material involves a myriad of visual skills. A child’s two individual eyes must work together as a perfect team to master the 17 visual skills.

Symptoms Of Visual Disorders Include
Skips lines, rereads lines
Poor Test Taking
Trouble concentrating while reading
Trouble with reading comprehension
Dislike of reading in general
Short Attention Span with reading and schoolwork
Fatigue while reading
Homework takes much longer than it should
Reverses letter like “b” into “d”
Double vision
Acting out at school or at home
Children and Teens often WON'T Complain of Double Vision
These are Eye-Tracking Records of some of our patients who NEVER complained of double vision before.
The 2 Main Categories of Learning-Related Vision Disorders
Binocular Vision
Difficulty keeping the individual eyes working together as a team.
Visual Information Processing
Difficulty processing and understanding the information that is seen by the eyes.
Unfortunately, glasses often do not resolve these issues. Because these are problems with how the brain is coordinating the two eyes together and processing the visual information, a patient
A Brain Problem, NOT an Eye Problem
People often mistake 20/20 vision for "perfect vision", but 20/20 only means that the image is seen clearly through one eye at a time at the moment that the test is taken. While it is important to have a visual system that is capable of seeing clearly, seeing 20/20 is only 1 of the 17 visual skills that are needed to survive and thrive in school and in our daily activities.
How is 20/20 vision not enough?
If you imagine that each eye is a camera that must constantly be adjusting its focus on objects that are close up and far away, then think of the brain as the computer system having a laundry list of tasks like:
How is 20/20 vision not enough?
each eye's movement and aim
each eye's focus
coordinating the two eyes to focus on the same thing
coordinating the two eyes to move together as a team
coordinating our vestibular system with our visual system
coordinating our body and limbs with our visual system
The processing system
To put the two images from our eyes together
To coordinate our memory with what we are seeing
To complete an image if we only see part of it (important in reading)
to recognize details and differences in images
And Many More
Seeing all that the brain has to do to truly give us perfect vision, it's easy to now understand how someone can have a problem with their vision even if they are capable of seeing 20/20 for the brief moment that they take that test. Below, you can read further about the 17 Visual Skills and the many processing skills that come together to build our visual ability.
Your Vision Requires More Than Just 20/20
Seeing 20/20 is only one of the 17 visual skills needed to function in our everyday environments.
While the eyes are cameras, the brain is the computer taking in the information, editing it, creating our 3D world, and controlling our eyes and body based on what it calculates. 20/20 is hardly the beginning.

Binocular to Vision-Related Learning Conditions
With a deeply complex Visual Processing System, many things can go wrong leading to a long list of symptoms and possible vision conditions to treat.
From congenital conditions that patients are born with to disorders acquired from strokes, concussions, and other traumatic brain injuries, your visual system is incorporated with virtually every part of your brain. This means that symptoms from vision disorders can involve more than just visual disturbances and have cause problems with balance, coordination, learning, reading comprehension and efficiency, and so much more.
Clinically Proven & The Gold Standard For Several Vision Disorders
Non-invasive with no surgery and no medications. Vision Therapy treats the entire visual system.
Treating more than just the cosmetics of an eye turn ("lazy eye") and working to treat the true root of the problem, Vision Therapy is truly the most effective and efficient treatment for various vision conditions.